Session 4: Means of Implementation and Global Partnership for Sustainable Development



Maldives has the honour to speak on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States. We align ourselves with the statement delivered by south Africa on behalf of the G77 and China and like to expand on some of the points raised.

Means of Implementation will be one of the key drivers of success for the post-2015 development agenda. It should include all forms of financing to include the development and transfer of reliable, affordable, modern technology, capacity building assistance, and enabling institutional and policy environments at all levels. These are fundamental in our view in order to achieve sustainable development.

While accepting that sustainable development is a national responsibility, the international community has at the same time recognized the unique challenges that SIDs face as issues of global concern.  It has furthermore endorsed the need for enhanced partnerships, and adequate, sufficient and predictable means of implementation for SIDS in pursuing their development agenda.

Development can only be fostered in a climate of cooperation and support. And therefore it is essential to establish an enabling environment, to ensure genuine and durable partnerships at the national, regional and international levels that deliver the needs of sustainable development.

These partnerships need to be based on mutual collaboration and ownership, trust, alignment, harmonization, respect, results orientation, accountability and transparency.

It is therefore our hope that the post-2015 development agenda consider the particular and unique needs of  the Small Island Developing States .

Thank you.