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Statement By  H.E Dr Hala Hameed  Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives, at the  High-level plenary meeting to commemorate and promote  the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons 
in Statements
Remarks by   Dr. Ibrahim Zuhuree  Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations  at the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development 
in Statements
Statement by  Ms. Aminath Guraisha, First Secretary at the First Committee General Debate
in Statements
Statement by  Dr. Ibrahim Zuhuree, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations at the General Discussion of the Second Committee 
in Statements
Statement by  Mr. Amr Danyal Shamun, Third Secretary at the General Discussion of the Second Committee on Group of countries in special situations 
in Statements
Statement by  Dr. Ibrahim Zuhuree,  Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations on Sustainable Development 
in Statements
Statement by  Ms. Fathimath Nashwa  Third Secretary, at the General Discussion of the Second Committee on Agriculture development, food security and nutrition
in Statements
Statement by   Dr. Hala Hameed,  Ambassador, at the General Discussion of the Second Committee  on Permanent Sovereignty of the Palestinian People
in Statements
Statement by   Ms. Khadeeja Aufiyau  at the General Discussion on Advancement of Rights of Women and Girls 
in Statements
Statement by H.E. Dr. Hala Hameed, Ambassador, at the  Third Committee General Discussion on Social Development 
in Statements
Statement by   Ms. Khadeeja Aufiyau, Permanent Mission of the Maldives to the UN   at the General Discussion on Advancement of Rights of Women and Girls 
in Statements
Statement by Dr. Ibrahim Zuhuree, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Republic the Maldives to the United Nations on Promotion and protection of human rights
in Statements
Statement by  Aminath Guraisha, First Seceretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations   on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism   
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Statement by   Ms. Aminath Guraisha First Secretary at the General Discussion of the Sixth Committee on The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels  
in Statements
Statement by H.E. Ms Thilmeeza Hussain, Permanent Representative of Maldives to the United Nations at the Tenth Emergency Special Session
in Statements