Open Debate of the Security Council

on the Working Methods of the Security Council

Statement by:

HE Mr Ahmed Sareer, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations

23 October 2014


Madam President,

My delegation wishes to thank Argentina, in its capacity as President of the Security Council, for convening this open debate on the working methods of the Security Council. The Maldives aligns itself with the statement delivered by Switzerland, in its capacity as Coordinator of ACT, a cross-regional group of 23 states.

Madam President,

The Security Council of the United Nations, represents and acts on behalf of all members of the United Nations, as per article 24 of the UN Charter. In keeping with this mandate, there is an obligation among every member of the Council to ensure that every decision is transparent and in the best interests of the global community.

The Maldives welcomes these inclusive, annual debates on the working methods of this august body, as integral to productively engaging with the entire membership of the United Nations. We especially welcome the issuance of the Presidential Note 268 (S/2014/268) with regards to any Security Council member or members acting as "penholders" for the drafting of resolutions, presidential statements, or press statements. It is particularly encouraging to note that these members are encouraged to exchange information and consult with all the members of the Council as well as relevant stakeholder Member States from the general membership of the United Nations.

In this modern day and age, the importance of engaging with all Member States of the United Nations cannot be overstated. The Maldives echoes the call for the Council to take note of recommendations made today by the wider membership and calls for it provide a summary of recommendations based thereon, with the intention of guiding the work of the Informal Working Group on Documentation (IWGD).

Madam President,

The need for democratization and the maintenance of the rule of law at the international level is widely accepted and of paramount importance to the functioning of the core organs of the United Nations. In this spirit, the Maldives continues to advocate for the willing waiver of the right to exercise a veto in cases of mass atrocity crimes. The Maldives commends the proposal made by France to this effect. We encourage all Permanent Members of the Council to engage with ACT on exploring this issue further. The time is now, for finalization of a code of conduct on refraining from the use of veto in situations of mass atrocities.

Madam President,

As we approach 2016 and the appointment of a new Secretary-General, the time has also come for greater transparency and inclusion. The role of the Secretary-General has evolved immensely since the foundation of this organization, and as the premier representative of the global community, it is the right of the global community to have input in his or her choosing. The general membership of the United Nations deserves to understand the vision and personality of the future Secretary-General, before he/she is selected.  Similarly, the selection process should reflect the concerns of the wider membership in order to enhance the legitimacy of the Secretary-General as truly representing the global community. The Maldives stands behind ACT's initiative to create a constructive dialogue with both the Security Council and the General Assembly, and encourages all Member States to support this initiative.

Madam President,

It is only together, with both permanent and non-permanent members of the Council working in tandem, that higher standards of accountability, coherence and transparency can be reached in the functioning of this core organ of the United Nations. It is our enduring hope that we continue to strive for better practices with outcomes that support global peace and prosperity.