Intervention made by Mr. Amin Javed Faizal, Second Secretary, at the Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in DPRK Third Committee, 19 October 2011

Thank you Mr. Chairman,

First, we would like to thank the Special Rapporteur for his hard work, his diligence, and his persistence, which are reflected in the depth and quality of his report.  We also thank the Secretary-General for his excellent report and join in, on all of his concerns as well.  We give our unwavering support to all of the conclusions found in these reports, including the promise of future reports focusing on abduction of foreign nationals, and strongly urge DPKR to begin implementing all of the recommendations without delay.

Mr. Chairman,

We are encouraged by the re-initiation of bilateral talks between DPRK and individual parties to the Six Party Talks.  We hope these bilateral discussions lead to a resumption of the Six Party talks and eventually to concrete action to improve the situation for the people affected by the conditions in DPRK, especially the severe food and water crises currently affecting the country.

Mr. Chairman,

We are deeply troubled, however, by the repeated mentions of the situation in DPKR specifically effecting women and children in the areas of trafficking and sexual exploitation, food insecurity, clean water, and adequate health.  We strongly urge the DPRK Government to take immediate measures to improve the situation for all of its citizens, particularly the most vulnerable. In addition, the Maldives believes all people are entitled to their full range of human rights and call on DPRK to move towards recognizing these basic freedoms.

Mr. Chairman,

We also want to restate our strong belief in, and support for all of the Special Mandate holders, including the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in DPRK.  We urge DPRK to offer their full cooperation and provide uninhibited access to these vital members of the Human Rights machinery of the United Nations. Without complete cooperation from all nations, the United Nations and the Human Rights Council cannot fulfill their duties it owes to the people of Member States.  By withholding access, those nations are also hindering further assistance from other state parties that may otherwise be willing to provide it.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.