20 September, New York; Her Excellency Dr Aminath Jameel, Minister of Health and Family arrived in New York City on 18 September to attend a two day high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases at the United Nations. The meeting which was attended by heads of state, health ministers and civil society focused on strategies to address the growing challenges of heart diseases, strokes, cancers, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases, collectively referred to as non-communicable diseases (NCDs).  The meeting focused on the prevention and control of NCDs worldwide, with a particular focus on developmental and other challenges and social and economic impacts, particularly for developing countries.

During the opening plenary session, H.E. Dr Mohamed Waheed Vice President of the Republic of Maldives delivered a statement to the assembled delegates. He spoke of the burden of NCDs and the fact that the risk factors – tobacco use, foods high in saturated and trans-fats, salt and sugar are all within our control.  He spoke of the need for strong and sustained political leadership at the international level and the commitment of Maldives to strengthen health systems and to earmark funds for universal access to prevention and control of NCDs.


Minister Jameel was accompanied by Dr. Ali Latheef from Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital and attended a number of sessions and roundtables that focused on a variety of issues such as nutrition, fostering international collaboration on NCDs and the role of agriculture in health.

At a roundtable that focused on strengthening national capacities to address prevention and control of NCDs Minister Jameel delivered a statement to the gathered delegates.  Minister Jameel’s address focused on the importance of international cooperation and information sharing.  The Minister acknowledged the cooperation of international partners in eradicating malaria, polio and other childhood diseases in Maldives.  Minister Jameel also explained that Maldives has introduced telemedicine and expressed a willingness to share experiences with other country’s that have dispersed populations.  She concluded by discussing the introduction of a social health insurance scheme in Maldives.