The Maldives called on the United Nations to establish a special category to address the unique and particular challenges Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face. “Special situations call for special solutions”, said H.E Mr Ahmed Sareer during his statement at the Second Committee of the UN General Assembly.

The Maldives noted that small island nations are exposed to particular vulnerabilities and long-term challenges, such as climate change and associated sea-level rise, coral bleaching and coastal erosion. In addition, the smallness and remoteness of island states preclude economies of scale and cause significant transportation costs. The Maldives called on Member States to acknowledge the special situation and the associated particular needs of SIDS.

While the Maldives is proud to have graduated from the Least Developed Country (LDC) status in 2011, the process of graduation was far from smooth, said Ambassador Sareer. The official development assistance had completely dried up, major markets erected tariff and non-tariff barriers to Maldivian products, and the country no longer has access to concessional financing from international financial institutions, it was noted. Because the graduation has exposed the Maldives’ vulnerabilities to external shocks, the country is facing risk of backsliding on key social development indicators. Continuing the statement, Ambassador Sareer lamented the international community “for not having found a recipe to shape and guide such transition adequately”.

In its statement, the Maldives expressed hope that countries in special situations, such as SIDS, will be supported by the international community to overcome their inherent vulnerabilities following the commitments made at the recent SIDS conference in Samoa.
