6 October 2016, New York; The Maldives has underscored that the nation is continuously working to foster a culture of respect for the rule of law by upholding the constitutional segregation of the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of the State, and ensuring all the safeguards necessary to prevent the arbitrary exercise of powers in a manner which is consistent with clear and comprehensive laws established through democratic process.

Speaking on Agenda item 84 – 'Rule of Law at the national and international levels' in the Sixth Committee of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly, H.E. Mr. Ahmed Sareer, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Maldives to the United Nations, highlighted that, the Maldives cannot make exceptions to the rule of law. He mentioned that, uniformity, transparency, and consistency in the application of the rule of law are imperatives to maintain public confidence in the legal and judicial systems.

The Maldives has an extensive legislative agenda catering to any gaps in the existing legal framework, which is cognisant and receptive to the evolving legislative needs based on international law. The implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Paris Agreement are some of the biggest priorities which are being incorporated into this plan.

Ambassador Sareer further noted that a holistic approach to strengthening the rule of law must address the issue of national resilience, "the capacity of a State and society to withstand systemic shocks, whether exogenous or endogenous, sudden or sustained." He said that such resilience is achieved by a robust legal framework established through strengthening democratic processes and nurturing an open and pluralistic political culture, something that cannot be achieved overnight, but is a task, as precedence shows, that requires decades of sustained commitment from domestic political actors with the support of international partners.

The Maldives reiterated that the rule of law is critical to a peaceful, stable, and prosperous society, and that it is fundamental at both the national and international levels.