New York – 15 May 2015 – Mr. Jeffrey Salim Waheed, Deputy Permanent Representative, in an event on Sustainable Consumption and Production, underscored the issue as a pathway for sustainable development of SIDS. He emphasized that sustained economic and social progress can be reached while taking the environmental pillar of sustainability fully into account.


In his remarks the Maldives pointed out its Tourism Master Plans aimed at preserving and protecting the natural resource base, heritage and culture while at the same time introducing green technologies, sustainable energy sourcing, and carbon emission reduction methods for the tourism industry. He noted that Sustainable Consumption and Production can only be implemented through integrated planning.


Furthermore Mr Waheed stresses that SIDS who spend huge amounts on fossil fuels as the only source of energy, are not able to reduce this overreliance, no matter how ambitious their programs are, without substantial partnerships geared towards efficient and renewable technologies. He ended by highlighting that the international community has agreed in the Samoa Pathway that “all countries should promote sustainable consumption and production patterns, with developed countries taking the lead and all countries benefiting from the process”.