Following is the statement given by Mr. Ahmed Khaleel,
Delivered on 21 July 2006 on Agenda Item 117 “Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters” and item 120 “Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit”
Mr. President, The resolve of the international community to reform and revitalize the United Nations has never been stronger. The momentum that the reforms process had gathered over the past year has been remarkable and we should not let the goodwill and understanding that we have witnessed recently to diminish before real and meaningful reforms can be implemented. Since the World Summit last September, much indeed had been achieved. The establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission, the creation of the Human Rights Council and the various reforms that had already been agreed on the administration and management of the organization are major achievements that we all can be proud of, in this regard. However, it is equally important
Mr. President, that we make advancements on the deliberations to reform the Security Council. For more than a decade, we have discussed the need to reform the Security Council to enable it to better reflect the present day realities, without much success. The Maldives believes that the time has come to break the impasse and take bold and concrete decisions. The Maldives has always supported the enlargement of the Security Council. We believe that the reforms of the Council should include the enlargement of its membership, both in the permanent and the non-permanent member categories, as well as a thorough examination of the working methods and its decision making process. At this juncture allow me
Mr. President, to acknowledge with appreciation the work being done by the informal Working Group of the Security Council on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions, aimed at enhancing transparency and efficiency. We are fully convinced that a more transparent and a more representative Council would increase and strengthen its authority and effectiveness. While we welcome and remain open to the various proposals that are before the Assembly, in our view the G4 proposals on the reforms of the Council can form a good basis for a resolution on this important issue.
Mr. President, Sound multilateralism is crucial for our quest for a better world in an age of globalization. Strengthening the role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security, fostering economic cooperation and harmonizing international action towards a better future is not an impossible task. I thank you Mr. President.