Statement by H. E. Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Mohamed, Permanent Representative on the Situation on the Middle East at the Open Debate of the Security Council, 24thOctober 2011


Thank you Madam President,

The Maldives congratulates Nigeria for assuming the Presidency of the Security Council, and commends the work completed to date. We further thank Under Secretary General, Lynn Pascoe, for his brief today.

Madam President,

The Maldives has recently undergone a transition, from autocracy to democracy, and we understand full well the growing pains that come with such a transformation. Yet we sincerely hope that the situation in Syria will find a peaceful solution. And that the dialogue process to take place in Cairo will see fruit in the form of greater democratic reforms and will create venues for the aspirations of the Syrian people to have their voice heard in government.

The Maldives applauded resolution 1973 on Libya, and now supports its current transition to a functioning democracy. There is a lot of work that needs to be done by the NTC to prepare for elections that will be free, fair and meaningful to realise the aspirations of the Libyan people; and it will only be through the international community’s support and assistance that a stable Libya will pull through.

Madam President,

The Maldives believes that the single most important issue concerning peace in the Middle East is the recognition of Palestine as a state. We do not believe that there can be a meaningful dialogue, without this acceptance of statehood.

For Forty years the peace process in the Middle East has been on-going and continually undermined by the very fact that it is an unequal power relationship. While this dynamic will not change until a real peace is established, we as the United Nations, have an obligation to level the playing field. We have an obligation to ensure that all elected governments have the representation that is equal to the mandate given by their people.

Madam President,

To the Maldives it is clear that Palestine has a government that is capable of administering its country, and an administration that is ready to take on the full burden of governance. The only way forward, therefore, is through the international recognition of Palestine as a state; with a view to that Palestinians negotiate their own interests, and concentrate on developing their own social and economic infrastructures, while being at peace with Israel.

Madam President,

After 64 long years of inaction, the time to move forward is now. Let me conclude with an appeal from the people of Maldives; to support three generations of Palestinians who have lived their lives under the yolk of occupation. The Maldives strongly calls on all States, and especially the members of this esteemed Council, to prevail against a history of failure and stand up for the dignity of these men and women in supporting a free and independent Palestinian state.

Thank You.