Statement by
The Maldives on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)
at the High- level Thematic Debate on Means of Implementation for a Transformative
Post-2015 development Agenda
9 February 2015
Mr President
The United Nations reinforces our common vision for a peaceful, prosperous, equitable, just and inclusive world. And today, we gather here to renew our commitment to furthering that vision, and to revitalise the new global partnership for sustainable development.
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS). We align ourselves with the statement delivered by the distinguished Permanent Representative of South Africa, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
At the outset, we would like to thank you for convening this special meeting at this very opportune time. The post 2015 development agenda can only be truly transformative and ambitious with the provision of adequate, sufficient, and predictable means of implementation. When we are able to provide the resources with which to implement the very ambitious goals that we set up for ourselves. When all forms of financing is assured.
Mr President,
Implementation of a Post-2015 Agenda should take into consideration the challenges and needs of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) as SIDS remain a special case for development. Our inherent vulnerabilities including our remoteness, distance to markets, diseconomies of scale, high costs of transport and extreme vulnerability to external shocks, and the ever-growing vulnerability to the effects of climate change pose unique and specific challenges, that require dedicated attention and support. .
Financing from all sources, domestic and international, public and private as well as development and transfer of reliable, affordable, modern technology capacity building and enabling institutional and policy environments at all levels are critical means of advancing our sustainable development.
International financing plays an important role in increasing our capacity for mitigation and building our resilience. In this regard, fulfillment of ODA commitments to developing countries, including the commitments by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national income for ODA, is crucial.
Without adequate, predictable and sufficient means of finance SIDS face enormous challenges to build their resilience to the existing challenges such as the adverse effects of climate change. Many of the challenges that SIDS face represents a collective threat and require a collective response. The international community must therefore reaffirm the agreed international commitments and ensure the full implementation of the BPOA, MSI and the S.A.M.O.A Pathway.
Mr. President,
Scaling up of financial resources from all sources is essential and necessary. We agree that pursuing genuine and durable partnerships for sustainable development is one answer for doing so. Revitalized global partnerships should be based on the principle of national ownership, mutual trust, transparency and accountability at all levels. International cooperation and action to address our challenges, including the involvement of the private sector, including through public-private partnerships is important.
While the full commitment of the international community is of paramount importance, the implementation of sustainable development depends primarily on national action and leadership. Sustainable development policies, and agendas must take into account national development priorities and individual country circumstances and legislation. Working in line with national policies and priorities, working with country systems for activities managed by the public sector, reducing transaction costs and improving mutual accountability and transparency, making aid untied as much as possible will undoubtedly ensure that the effectiveness of available resources for sustainable development is further enhanced. Sustainable development will be more effective and predictable when developing countries are provided with regular and timely indicative information about planned support.
Mr President
Trade turns poverty into prosperity. It brings people closer through unlocking doors to countries, improving our collective resilience. Therefore it is essential that we focus on improving our links in terms of commerce and trade, as a way of implementing our development agenda. Every country, small or big, must be given access. For SIDS, this endeavour is uniquely challenging due to their small size, limited negotiating capacity and remoteness from world markets, which we believe require special and differential treatment provisions. Adequate access also requires strengthening capacity of developing countries to effectively engage in the multilateral trading system, and removing tariff and non-tariff barriers.
Aid can be most effective when there is an enabling environment for development in developing countries. SIDS are undertaking numerous efforts to take ownership of their own development, national institutions, systems and capacity. In this regard, technical support is essential to foster enabling institutional and policy environments.
Mr President
It is quite clear there is consensus about what the international community desires to see a world that is prosperous, equitable, peaceful and sustainable. What is required now is our will, our commitment to reach that vision.
Thank you