Statement delivered by
HE Dr Ali Naseer Mohamed, Permanent Representative
at the UNSC Open Debate on the Working Methods of the Security Council
6 February 2018
Thank you Mr President,
I would like to thank Kuwait in its capacity as the President of the Security Council for the month of February, for convening today’s Open Debate on the working methods of the Council.
This Debate is a testimony to the genuine interest of all Member States to work to enhance the transparency, inclusivity, and openness of this Council. It deliberates and discusses the maintenance of international peace and security, in accordance with Article 24 of the UN Charter. I would like to recognise the work done by the Security Council’s Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions, and the updates to the Note 507 or “the Green Book”.
The work of the Council is a collective responsibility. It is undertaken on behalf of the whole Membership, and for the common good of humanity. It is therefore unfortunate that the work of the Council is often perceived to be “secretive”; where decisions that impact many, are taken by a few. It is, therefore, important that information about the deliberations of the Council on matters of importance to the whole international community is shared in a timely and inclusive manner. Addressing these perceptions are important, too, for upholding the Council’s legitimacy and credibility. It is also fundamental that every member of the Council, is able to contribute meaningfully to the work of the Council. The perceived gap between the P5 and the E10 must be countered and addressed.
The Maldives applauds the improvements we have seen in recent years, in sharing information regarding the work of the Council with the general membership of the UN. Regular meetings between the Presidents of Council, the Assembly and the Economic and Social Council will go a long way in enhancing coordination between the work of all the principal organs of the United Nations. We also would like to see sharing of information through appropriate channels regarding the discussions and deliberations of such meetings with the general membership. We call upon the current Members of the Council, as well as incoming members to prioritise improving transparency and inclusivity in their work. The question of veto deserves some consideration in our deliberations on working methods. While we recognise that this is a prerogative of the Council’s Permanent Members, we join others in calling for refrain in the exercise of the veto in situations of mass atrocities. Let not the veto stand in the way of taking timely action.
An area where the Maldives believes that more work can be done is in enhancing the focus of the Council on the emerging realities of conflict in the world. In this regard, focusing on non-traditional threats to security, in addition to armed conflict, is essential. Extreme poverty, shortage of resources, and climate change, as well as violent extremism are increasingly determining and exacerbating conflict. One important way of bringing diversity and fresh perspectives to the deliberations of the Council have been the Arria Formula Meetings. We hope that the number of Arria Formula Meetings that address the convergences, but more importantly the divergences in opinion on certain issues are regularly held. This would be a way to advance the work of the Council, making it more relevant to the global realities of the day. We also hope that the discussions and views expressed in the Arria Formula meetings find their way into the deliberations of the Council’s formal agenda.
The Maldives hopes to get elected to the Council at the election to be held in June this year for the term 2019 to 2020. We will bring fresh views to the Council, and lead the discussions in finding innovative and long-term solutions to these emerging issues. We believe that creating an accountable, transparent, and a coherent Security Council is a clear way to lead this Organisation into the 21st century.
I thank you, Mr President.