Sixth Committee
Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism
H E Dr Ali Naseer Mohamed, Permanent Representative
3 October 2018, New York
Thank you Madam Chair,
My delegation congratulates you and the Members of the Bureau, on your election. I assure you that you will have my Delegation’s full support as you steer this Committee. Let me also thank the Secretary-General for the Report submitted under this agenda item. My Delegation wishes to commend the strong measures that some Member States have taken in countering terrorism, that have been highlighted in the SG’s Report.
I also wish to commend the Secretary General for hosting the first ever Conference on Terrorism this year, which brought all our collective efforts to a single platform.
The Maldives also associates itself with the statement delivered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on behalf of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation.
Madam Chair,
The Maldives strongly condemns all acts, methods, and practices of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever and by whosoever it is committed. The Maldives, in particular, condemns all acts of terrorism, committed in the name of Islam. Islam is a religion of mercy that stipulates the principle that killing one person equates killing the entire humanity; and saving one life is the equivalent of saving the whole world. The Maldives believes that the international community must promote a cooperative and coordinated approach to combat all forms of terrorism.
The Maldives has enacted the Prevention of Terrorism Act in 2015 and the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism Act, that enable law enforcement agencies and the prosecuting authorities to specifically address foreign terrorist fighters and those providing financial or material support to terrorist or violent extremist organizations.
The National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) of the Maldives, established in 2016, provides a common platform to facilitate information and intelligence sharing, and synchronize the inter-agency activities in our efforts against terrorism and violent extremism. In 2017, we adopted our first National Strategy on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism, which aims to tackle the phenomenon of violent extremism through a ‘whole-of-society’ approach. The NCTC, in collaboration with inter-agency partners and community stakeholders, are undertaking programmes to enable the community to resist radicalising ideologies, and to empower communities, especially the women and youth.
In addition, the Maldives has made it a criminal offence for any Maldivian participating in terrorist activities or supporting such activities. The Maldives has taken a number of measures to prevent terrorist fighters from leaving the country, or for returning terrorist fighters from re-entering the country. The Maldives has established the Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Evaluation System at its main international airport and seaport. This system seeks to collect intelligence and control departures and arrivals, and to question suspects who travel to join terrorist activities overseas.
Madam Chair,
The Maldives believes that its counter-terrorism efforts must be part of a global, comprehensive approach. The Maldives has taken significant measures to counter terrorism and violent extremism and we will continue do our part to eliminate this global menace.
Let me also take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and its Terrorism Prevention Branch for the close collaboration and partnership in this important area. The Government agencies in the Maldives have benefited from such support over the past two years, in building capacity, creating awareness, and in formulating new policies and strategies.
Terrorism is an atrocious phenomenon, which attempts to destroy communities and attack values of respect, love, unity, and freedom. It requires a global approach to reduce, and eventually eliminate the threat of terrorism.
Thank you, Madam Chair.