Statement by

Maldives on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)

WSIS+10 2nd Preparatory Meeting


20-22 October 2015

Distinguished Co-facilitator,


1. I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).

2. We take this opportunity to thank you for the zero draft, which we believe is a good basis for starting our work on this very important subject. While we welcome many of the elements in this draft, it is our belief that some critical areas need to be further strengthened.

Mr. Chairman,

3. The 2030 development agenda and its implementation finds a natural ally with the WSIS process. Stronger and more specific language should be used to show the clear linkage and opportunity that exists to use ICTs for meeting all SD goals and targets. It is for this reason that while we welcome the linkages that have been established in Para 7, we would want it to be further strengthened.

4. One of the biggest takeaways from the WSIS +10 review has been the need for greater representation in developing the Information Society. For this reason, we propose to replace "balanced representation" with "increased" representation in paragraph 10. In the same vein, we would suggest strengthening of the language in paragraph 34 to reflect our commitment in promoting greater representation, especially for SIDS, in internet governance discussion. We propose to start the sentence by saying, "We will strengthen participation", instead of "we recognize the need to promote" greater participation and engagement.

5. The role of ICTs in climate change and disaster risk management cannot be overstated and indeed we need to harness technological innovation in disaster risk reduction. We note that the only mention of this is made in paragraph 14 and is bundled in with a myriad of issues. We would suggest a stand -alone paragraph for this very important matter.

6. We welcome paragraph 15 and the emphasis it places on ICT's catalytic value for renewable energy, energy efficiency etc. and are also heartened to note the focus on recycling and e-waste.

7. We note that the special case of SIDS and our particular needs have been recognized since the Geneva Declaration of Principles and therefore, we support the special mention of SIDS is paragraphs 9, 23 and 26 and would like this to be retained.

8. AOSIS also strongly supports the creation of regional hubs to facilitate exchange of experiences and capacities in order to advance knowledge sharing. Especially for SIDS, regional access to information on best practices, policy mechanisms and programs for disaster risk reduction is crucial to effectively and easily respond to natural disasters and environmental hazards.

9. We look forward to continue our deliberations on this zero draft and assure you of our active participation and support.

Thank you.